Summer 2019
#Rev #Sparky #Capricho #Vicente #jousting #event #skill at arms #Romeo

The end of summer saw one late foal arrive, Orlando - a colt from Rev and Nikita.
Aside from progressing joust training with Rev, I have done more work with Capricho, Vicente and Pinta.
Sjoli from Litli Stadur Icelandics finally went home after starting him under saddle. He is a great little horse, who reminds me so much of his sire Galdur (imported and owned by Haldane Icelandics), who I also started under saddle a number of years ago.
We went for another really cool beach ride, this time at Warrnambool with Sparky and Keldan. Also, a 20km trail ride at Snakey Valley. I took Capricho, Amber rode Sparky and Keagan rode Keldan.
January saw the arrival of the black gaited Morgan stallion Cockatoo Park Playboy, a.k.a. Romeo. He came down from Cockatoo Park Stud in QLD. He’s settled in well and I’m looking forward to starting him under saddle next summer or thereabouts.
In February, I had a visit from Jane Gregor from Canberra to see the Icelandics. She tried out Sparky and Lukka and decided to take Lukka home :-)
February also saw us attend another skill at arms training day with Phil at Unicorn Park Indoor arena. I took Capricho and Rev, and Amber rode Sparky. The following weekend, we took Rev and Sparky to a SAA comp at Kryal castle.
Photo by Yvonne Lehey
I managed to also get to several training sessions for long sword, poleaxe and other weapons with JOAS in Ballarat. Some of these sessions are in harness (armour), giving me extra chances to get used to wearing it. Likewise, I have been doing reasonably regular 10km rides with Rev in armour, to allow him and me to get more practice.
Photo by Yvonne Lehey
And this is what happens if someone hands me a plastic sword :-) (video by Greg Lehey)