Marcelo diary II
#Marcelo #education #Phoebus #stallions #Paso Fino
Marcelo is making progress. I’m only doing a session about once a week because I’m not in a hurry. He is keen to come in and do stuff.
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Marcelo is making progress. I’m only doing a session about once a week because I’m not in a hurry. He is keen to come in and do stuff.
Read more#saddles #opinion #pet hates
I’m in the fortunate position of having at my disposal a range of saddle from different places and times and built for different purposes and riding styles. I’m always happy to show them to folks, and even have a ride in them.
Read more#Marcelo #education #stallions #Pat Puckett #Paso Fino
Marcelo is my rising four year old home bred Paso Fino colt, by Rev out of Chica. I generally wait until after four to do work, but he is really well grown and I have just had to separate him from his gelding paddockmate, as play was getting a little too heated at times. So I have decided to start with starting him under saddle. However, not only will I be taking my time, but when I get to the part where I’ll actually get on his back, it will be for very short periods. And once we’ve had a few short session with the basics, I’ll give him a break for another year. Working with him now will help with everything later as I intend to run him on as a stallion.
Read more#Phoebus #Romeo #Sparky #clinic #Anke Hawke
Once again, we had Anke Hawke from Anke Hawke Balance Dressage down in Victoria for a clinic. I want to thank my friend Yvonne who organises these clinics. We had some old and some new faces attending the clinic.
Read more#gear #Kings Horses #saddles #history #Light Horse
I didn’t set out to collect military saddles. No, really :-)
Read more#Rev #education
Rev. What a different horse he is now. Of course he is older and maybe he was a bit sluggish because he’d tipped his water container over overnight and he had a big drink before the ride. He was definitely in a very mellow mood and not in a hurry today.
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On the first May weekend, I went to the SA Medieval Fair in Paracombe with The King’s Horses. We took Phoebus, Keldan and Sparky.
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For the first time, I attended the Ballan Autumn Festival with my friends from the King’s Horses equestrian group. We got into some armour and other fancy gear and rode in the parade.
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For three weeks in September/October, I went to Europe with friends, attending Feldlager Brandenburg and the Harnischfechten Symposium, had a cool riding lesson and visited museums, castles, churches and other fun places.
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In April and May this year, I participated in two events with the King’s Horses. Keldan had his first public joust and Phoebus had his second season, this time ridden by my friend Craig.
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Lots of interesting things happened in 2022, including a public display, reenactment stuff, new foals and some horses leaving for new homes.
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A busy year despite several covid-related slow-downs and shut-downs. The year I finished my PhD….
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My thoughts on the importance of socialising stallions as part of their working career.
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The year of covid-19. The year of lockdowns in Victoria. But since we are in regional Victoria, we still had plenty of opportunity to train and do fun horse things with The King’s Horses folks.
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it was a long and hot summer and I’m glad we were spared any bushfires, during this devastating fire season. We had a few small local ones, but nothing serious or close by. Some very smokey days though.
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A lot of changes happened during 2019, some expected, some surprises. Well, that’s life…
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2018 has come to an end. What a year it was…
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Autumn is nearly over, and after a week of cold and wet weather it certainly feels like winter is coming soon.
Read more#Toys #education
Part 1 of a series about toys I use in horse education - pool noodles
#breeding #Paso Creole #Icelandic
It has come to my attention that there may be some confusion in relation to my stud activities. To save everyone time and the dreary inconvenience of having to rely on hearsay (both the innocent and the other variety), here is the concise version – straight from the horse’s mouth. Instead of addressing some of the Chinese whispers, here is what I currently do, what the history is behind it, where I’m aiming at, and some of the stuff I believe in as a breeder.
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The MEA (Military Equitation Association) held a skill at arms training day at Unicorn Park. It was the second clinic I’ve been to with Phillip Leitch, and it was fun. Yvonne was injured and couldn’t attend, but Amber came along. I rode Sparky at his second ever public outing, and Amber rode Keldan.
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The sales listing has been updated. Please head on over to the Sales Page and look a the listing.
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Foaling season for 2017/2018 finally came to an end, when Pinta finally had her colt in mid January. Six happy and healthy foals as hoped and expected. A few more colts than I had ordered, but I am very pleased overall. Some of these adorable guys are for sale. Head over to my sales listing for more info.
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Katrina Kruse from Qld ran a two day horse archery clinic at Kryal Castle in late November. I missed the previous clinic, but greatly enjoyed this one. Margaret came along for this clinic, and she rode (a rather pregnant) Brana, while I took Keldan.
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The 2017 Timeline Festival was held at Kryal Castle on the last October weekend. It was a fantastic weekend full of watching lots of fantastic reenactment, riding, meeting people and enjoying the atmosphere. If you didn’t go - don’t miss next year!
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The sales listing has been updated. Please head on over to the Sales Page and select horses for sale.
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Finally ready, a freshly-baked new stud website. I hope you like it and you will find it easy to to use and navigate. Please let me know if you see something out of place or something that is broken.
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Congratulations to Julie on the purchase of AuSome She Raz, and to Jodie on the purchase of Leon NS.
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Yvonne and I went to some fun events, a Downunder Extreme Cowboys training day at Rokewood, and a Skill at Arms training day in Ballarat (organised by the Victorian Goldfields Medieval Fair folks).
Read more#Chica #education
I’ve had a busy time with visitors and horse education. The lovely and colourful Nick graduated from horse primary school and went home with his owner Alison.
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